...ideas and encouragement from my corner of the world on homeschool, parenting, party planning and beyond...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cloth diaper tips

When I decided to cloth diaper, I only knew one other person who did CD. There are also no stores in my area that carry cloth diapers, so I couldn't just go ask someone or look at what I was buying. Needless to say, I was a little overwhelmed. Here are a few tips I wish someone had told me before I started CD.

1. Many diaper creams are not safe to use on  your diapers. Coconut oil is a great alternative.

2. Just like I tell people about breastfeeding, you have to be confident in what you're doing or you may get discouraged. I would encourage you to find some CD friends or join groups online, so you have someone in common when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated.

3. I really wanted somebody to tell me that I needed X amount of diapers and I have really had to figure out for myself what I needed. I had five covers and that was not enough for me. Now, I have 18 and half of them never get used. If you don't mind to throw a load of laundry in every day, you won't need as many as someone who wants to wash once a week. You really just have to see what works for you.

4. Cheaper is not always better. I was so excited because I found diapers from China for $2 or so each on eBay. About half of those are now swim diapers because the lining separated. Though I still cringe when I see mamas spending $50+ on one, yes one, diaper, I do think that you might want to consider buying some quality products. I know it seems like a lot up front, but your little is going to be wearing these for his whole infant life so I promise you will get your money's worth.

5. If I have stains, I hang my diapers in the sun and it generally takes care of it.

6. Packing your diaper bag doesn't have to be stressful. As a general rule, I like to keep an extra cover and one prefold or insert for every hour we will be gone plus one. I keep a travel pack of wipes in my bag. Many cloth mamas have great success with cloth wipes in a travel wipe box, but I just stick to disposable wipes when we're out.

I will add tips to this list as I think of them! :)

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